One of the things most of us have to deal with is the
faceless ‘they’ who seem to make up all the rules of conduct in this world. As
a child I always pictured them to be a council of old and sour looking people
who sit together and create the laws. One day, I’ll write a story about them.
But let’s get back on track. In the writing world I get
slapped around the ears constantly with ‘you should feel this way’. A wonderful
example of this, I hear everywhere that a writer has to love reading their own
books. Because if you don’t love your work… why would anyone else?

That doesn’t mean I hate my work altogether. Not at all,
because of course I am excited enough by my story to want to write it, or I wouldn't have bothered. I
often fall in love with my characters, and I’m truly enthusiastic about my
plot lines. So… plenty of love. But I just don’t enjoy reading it. For a reason…
First of all… I have read it. Over and over and over and
over and over… and I could go on. There’s writing it, then reading it over,
then editing it (which is more reading) so that I can send it to my beta
readers. Then I read it again, one time for each beta reader (which are at
least 3 in my case) then I edit it again, and again… and only then do I send my
work to my publisher. Who will read it, give me more notes, so that I have to
read and edit it again. That draft will get sent to the editor. There will be a
few back and forth sending of the manuscript between the editor and myself,
where I will read and edit again. When it’s finished the book will go to a
proof reader (another editor) and then I get to read it for one last time. Blah, blah, blah... you get the point.

I’m digressing again.

Because I’m a bit
But no… I don’t enjoy reading my own books. I enjoy it more
when you read my books. Especially when you like them. Then I can live
vicariously through your eyes, and I can share my thoughts and my world with
you. That works better for me.