maandag 28 oktober 2013
Out of the Storm
zondag 27 oktober 2013
Main manuscript?
Book Cover? (And look how pretty it turned out… wooot)
Publisher doing his thing?
It’s that time again, the time of the pre-publishing
jitters. Only a little piece of the puzzle needs to be added, and we are ready
to rock and roll… or something. Hopefully by October 31st we’ll have
a finished e-book version of my new horror collection ‘DEEPLY TWISTED’. On
November 8th I’m hoping to put the paperback version out into the
world, and we’ll turn it into a bit of an online party again. *puts on a party
Made a t-shirt design again, and the lovely Leslie (our
hostess) will get her friend to make more gorgeous trinkets (which I always
want to keep for myself, I have to admit) to spoil the party goers with. It’ll
be a hoot, it was last time!
Some of the stories in this collection have seen the
publishing light of day before, but I like having all my work bundled together.
A lot of work has never before been published, so don’t worry if you think you’ll
have read them all. Even the work that’s been in anthologies has been revamped
(no Halloween pun intended)
I loved working on this collection, I think it shows a lot
of *me*. Some stories were written especially for certain themes, which was
The other day I was talking to a friend of mine, and she
told me she was happy that I was going to publish something horror themed. She
told me that she loved Coyote, but that horror was where my strength lies. It
made me think.

Scary is a little like funny, it’s very personal. What scares me enough to want to hide under the covers of my bed might bore another person to tears. So if I try to impress people with my monsters, they might not find them that interesting. Rather than trying to be scary, I try to write a ‘good’ story, that way if people aren’t scared they’ll still like it. I’ve had reactions of people who were freaked out by some of the things I wrote, and that does my ole heart some good. Having an effect on people is what I long for. If one of my stories evoked emotion or made people think, I’m a happy woman.
October 31st is coming up fast, and I’m excited
to share my collection with the world. I hope the readers will like it. Coyote
was a little easier for me to promote through my artwork, because it had set
characters that were more accessible for drawing. I made a few little doodles.
It’ll be more difficult for me to make very specified games for the book party
too, but I’ll think of something, I’m sure.
After this book launch I’ll be focusing on my next two
projects. One will be my NaNoWriMo project, which will be an epic fantasy
novel, and the next will be my “EVEN HELL HAS STANDARDS” series, which might
turn out to be my most provocative piece up to now. I’m looking forward to
woensdag 16 oktober 2013
Some minor fears
The first story I ever published was “Only Forgotten,” which
was a short story about Hell, and most

Enthused I began to jot ideas down for the different sins.
Adolf Zakerny, the main character from Only Forgotten will play a larger role
in the first book, and his sin is Pride. Tiffany will get a different name and
her sin is Envy. Soon other ideas followed, and one of the tortured souls in
Hell in Only Forgotten will get her own story.
As I write, I have to admit, I’m worried about how the world
receives these stories. I plan to make them controversial, because I believe
those are the stories that need to be told. I know that there will be people
that will hate them, because I don’t plan to tell nice little stories. Topics I
want to use are abuse, murder and pedophilia for a start. I don’t mean to
glorify them, but they’re not the typical horror topics. Now I know not
everyone can like what you write, but the thing that bothers me most is that I
will probably offend a lot of people. I don’t like offending, I don’t mock
other people’s beliefs or lifestyles. Yet at the same time, it’s hard not to offend
with a topic like this. My version of Hell is not exactly the same as most
other versions. That’s what I like about it too. I like that it’s different and
that it makes you think. To provoke thoughts and discussions in readers is
something I like to strive for. I would love for my work to make an impact on
someone. That’s the stuff I dream about.
So I am going to write this series. And all I can do is hope
that I won’t offend too much. That people won’t decide my writing isn’t worth
it because of this. It’s a pretty scary risk for a beginning writer like
myself. We’ll have to see where it goes.
zondag 13 oktober 2013
Blog swap
I like to try new things, and one of the things I hadn't tried before is a blog swap! I haven't read the novel myself yet, but I'm sure to do so, because it looks very cool!
Without further ado (who wants to hear me waffle on anyway) I would like to introduce you to Tara Mara. In fact, I'll let her talk about her book herself: (enjoy!)
Without further ado (who wants to hear me waffle on anyway) I would like to introduce you to Tara Mara. In fact, I'll let her talk about her book herself: (enjoy!)
The Unfinished Song (Book
1): Initiate by Tara Maya
Dindi can't do anything right, maybe because she spends more
time dancing with pixies than doing her chores. Her clan hopes to marry her off
and settle her down, but she dreams of becoming a Tavaedi, one of the powerful
warrior-dancers whose secret magics are revealed only to those who pass a
mysterious Test during the Initiation ceremony. The problem? No-one in Dindi's
clan has ever passed the Test. Her grandmother died trying. But Dindi has a
Kavio is the most powerful warrior-dancer in Faearth, but when
he is exiled from the tribehold for a crime he didn't commit, he decides to
shed his old life. If roving cannibals and hexers don't kill him first, this is
his chance to escape the shadow of his father's wars and his mother's curse.
But when he rescues a young Initiate girl, he finds himself drawn into as
deadly a plot as any he left behind. He must decide whether to walk away or
fight for her... assuming she would even accept the help of an exile.
Blue-skinned rusalki grappled Dindi under the churning surface
of the river. She could feel their claws dig into her arms. Their
riverweed-like hair entangled her legs when she tried to kick back to the
surface. She only managed to gulp a few breaths of air before they pulled her
under again.
She hadn't appreciated how fast and deep the river was. On her
second gasp for air, she saw that the current was already dragging her out of
sight of the screaming girls on the bank. A whirlpool of froth and fae roiled
between two large rocks in the middle of the river. The rusalka and her sisters
tugged Dindi toward it. Other water fae joined the rusalki. Long snouted
pookas, turtle-like kappas and hairy-armed gwyllions all swam around her,
leading her to the whirlpool, where even more fae swirled in the whitewater.
"Join our circle, Dindi!" the fae voices gurgled
under the water. "Dance with us forever!"
"No!" She kicked and swam and stole another gasp for
air before they snagged her again. There were so many of them now, all pulling
her down, all singing to the tune of the rushing river. She tried to shout,
"Dispel!" but swallowed water instead. Her head hit a rock,
disorienting her. She sank, this time sure she wouldn't be coming up again.
"Dispel!" It was a man's voice.
Strong arms encircled her and lifted her until her arms and
head broke the surface. Her rescuer swam with her toward the shore. He
overpowered the current, he shrugged aside the hands of the water faeries
stroking his hair and arms. When he reached the shallows, he scooped Dindi into
his arms and carried her the rest of the way to the grassy bank. He set her
down gently.
She coughed out some water while he supported her back.
"Better?" he asked.
She nodded. He was young--only a few years older than she. The
aura of confidence and competence he radiated made him seem older. Without
knowing quite why, she was certain he was a Tavaedi.
"Good." He had a gorgeous smile. A wisp of his dark
bangs dangled over one eye. He brushed his dripping hair back over his head.
Dindi's hand touched skin--he was not wearing any shirt. Both
of them were sopping wet. On him, that meant trickles of water coursed over a
bedrock of muscle. As for her, the thin white wrap clung transparently to her
body like a wet leaf. She blushed.
"It might have been easier to swim if you had let go of
that," he teased. He touched her hand, which was closed around something.
"What were you holding onto so tightly that it mattered more than
Tara’s blog
Tara’s Twitter
The Unfinished Song on Facebook
Barnes and Noble
Initiate is free
everywhere except on Barnes and Noble (where it’s $0.99). You can download a
free .epub version via Smashwords.
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